hiiii!! :3
Welcome to the
You're probably wondering... what is sillyring????
sillyring is a webring for silly people! Thing-makers, art people, silly internet goobers, anything goes :3
Example webring widget :O
If you wanna join, there's a couple-a rulees you gotta follow >:)
- Your website should be a custom-made personal site, no generic wix page, social media page, or linktree.
- You should have the widget to your site (find the HTML below!)
- No bigotry, hate speech, or other harmful stuff on your site; that stuff isn't silly at all :<
- Same with NFTs and crypto-type stuff
- No explicit stuff please! Mild / artistic stuff is ok :)
- You must be VERY SILLY !!!!!!
How to join
**NOTE: I am currently not home and will not be able to accept submissions until after.
If you wanna join, just click here! (mailto link)
If that doesn't work, just send an email to sillyring_-_@_-_possiblyaxolotl.com with this filled out template:
NOTE: Please host your badge on your own site! Imgur links don't work!!!
Also make sure to put the widget somewhere visible on your site!

My personal website where I make lil' stuffed rats and trashbashed bots, publish my photography and blabber nonstop on my blog!

silly website for silly doings :3 (and obsession with whatever i'm obsessed with at the moment)
My silly website for anything I find cool or fun and want to share :D

personal site; a love letter to some of my favorite music, mostly songs made with vocal synthesizers like vocaloid, utau, ect.!
A personal site with a Rayman theme!
personal website where i ramble away :^D
just a personal site of mine dedicated to whatever rambles I want to do